Our calendar


Energy efficient houses

Malmö 1/4
Malmö 2/4

Roof & Facade

Stockholm 1/4
Stockholm 2/4


Göteborg 8/4
Göteborg 9/4

Park & Street

Luleå 8/4
Skellefteå 9/4
Umeå 10/4


Göteborg 13/5
Göteborg 14/5


Stockholm 2/9
Stockholm 3/9


Malmö 2/9
Malmö 3/9

Roof & Facade

Göteborg 9/9
Göteborg 10/9

Roof & Facade

Stockholm 23/9
Stockholm 24/9



Luleå 30/9
Skellefteå 1/10
Umeå 2/10

Do you want to see all upcoming trade fairs?

The trade fair as a meeting place

The trade fair medium is an effective channel for creating long-term, high-quality business relationships. Personal meetings between sellers and buyers develop both parties a better supplier / customer relationship.


Interior is a pure trade fair that provides a quick, broad and deep update of product news within the public environment's fixed interiors such as surface layers, wall systems, suspended ceilings, lighting, floors, doors, fittings, etc. The target group is architects, consultants, homeowners, managers, municipalities , county councils, as well as the larger contractors' buyers and project managers. Over 50% of our visitors are prescribers / architects.

Read more about Interior

Park & Street

Park & Gata provides a fast, broad and deep update of product news within the public space's environment, design and function. Coatings, furniture, buildings, functional details, play equipment, vegetation, stormwater, construction materials, etc. It is a pure trade fair and the target group is architects, landscape architects, consultants, clients in the public utility, municipalities, private owners and managers and larger contractors.

Read more about Park & Street

Energy efficient houses

Energy-efficient houses are aimed at professionals in the construction, plumbing and real estate industries who want to acquire knowledge about products, new technologies and concept solutions for energy-efficient and sustainable construction. Sealed houses, insulation, windows, doors, ventilation, heat / energy sources, etc.

The subject has the highest priority in the construction and real estate industry because it meets the biggest challenges and the biggest economic effects. It is a pure trade fair and the target group is architects, construction, plumbing and energy consultants, project engineers, property owners, managers and major contractors and installers.

Read more about Energy efficient houses


The trade fair provides a quick, broad and deep update of product news within buildings' wet room details regarding environment, design, function and comfort. It is a pure trade fair and the target group is architects, engineers, plumbing consultants, contractors, homeowners, managers, municipalities, county councils, insurance companies, and major building materials retailers.

Read more about Wetroom

Roof & Facade

Roof & Facade provides a quick, broad and deep update of product news in the area of roof and facade, its function and design. It is a pure trade fair and the target group is architects, designers, buyers and project managers at the larger construction companies as well as clients in property management for the private, industrial, commercial, state, municipal and public utility sectors.

Read more about Roof & Facade


Skånsk Byggtjänst arranges seminars in collaboration with leading institutions, authorities, researchers, technicians and architects. We address current topics for today's market. Our seminars aim to train professionals in various current development, problem or theme areas. They are related to products, product systems or phenomena in the construction and real estate industry where new findings or materials have emerged. The goal is to convey solutions.

Read more about Seminar

5 reasons to exhibit


Local effective sales activities with clear ROI.


Only meet active professionals.


We invite visitors with a personal invitation and telemarketing to key companies.


Motivated interested visitors. Architects and clients appreciate the concept.


Cost- and time-efficient meetings with the right target group.

Interested in exhibiting?

Our winning concept

Arranging industry-efficient trade fairs with high accuracy and qualitative content is our brand. Most of our exhibitors can confirm rewarding meetings with selected professional professionals that give fast results. Visitors are very happy with their meetings because the product information is limited to a narrow theme with product news.

Read more about Skånsk Byggtjänst