Energy efficient houses

1 - 2 April 2025 in Malmö.

The trade fair is free invited professionals. Pre-registration includes lunch.

A personal meeting is much more valuable than reading information on a website or in a brochure. Meet the suppliers at our efficient lunch fairs. You get time to talk to material and technical people in connection with your lunch.

Malmö - 1 april

The trade fair is free invited professionals and is open:
10.30 - 13.30

Sankt Gertrud Konferens, Östergatan 7 b, Malmö

Malmö - 2 april

The trade fair is free invited professionals and is open:
10.30 - 13.30

Sankt Gertrud Konferens, Östergatan 7 b, Malmö

In brief Energy efficient houses

Energy-efficient houses are aimed at professionals in the construction, plumbing and real estate industries who want to acquire knowledge about products, new technologies and concept solutions for energy-efficient and sustainable construction. Sealed houses, insulation, windows, doors, ventilation, heat / energy sources, etc.

The subject has the highest priority in the construction and real estate industry because it meets the biggest challenges and the biggest economic effects. It is a pure trade fair and the target group is architects, construction, plumbing and energy consultants, project engineers, property owners, managers and major contractors and installers.

Contact person

Peter Kihlstedt | 076-8986503


Kingspan AB

Innovativa och energieffektiva bygglösningar för en hållbar framtid

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Gebwell Sverige AB

Fjärrvärmecentraler och värmepumpar för fastigheter

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Paroc AB Byggisolering

Isolering är en nyckel till lösningen på dagens energiproblematik

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Maximalfönster i Åshammar AB

Riv inte karmen

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Purso AB

Dörrar, fönster och skjutdörrar med högsta energieffektivitet

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HögforsGST (GSTerm AB)

Hybridvärme ger 40 procent i energibesparing

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Grundels Fönstersystem AB

Byt inte fönster - det finns ett smartare alternativ

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Flooré AB

Vi gör golvvärme enkel

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Unilin Insulation Sverige

Upptäck de mest energieffektiva isoleringslösningarna

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REC Indovent AB

Klimatsmarta lösningar för framtidens byggnader och ROT

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Vi skapar framtidens lösningar inom hållbart byggande

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The trade fair is free invited professionals. Pre-registration includes lunch.