Roof & Facade

1 - 2 April 2025 in Stockholm.

The trade fair is free invited professionals. Pre-registration includes lunch.

A personal meeting is much more valuable than reading information on a website or in a brochure. Meet the suppliers at our efficient lunch fairs. You get time to talk to material and technical people in connection with your lunch.

Stockholm - 1 april

The trade fair is free invited professionals and is open:
10.30 - 13.30

Kulturhuset, Sergels torg, Stockholm (Ingången är på Plattan)

Stockholm - 2 april

The trade fair is free invited professionals and is open:
10.30 - 13.30

Kulturhuset, Sergels torg, Stockholm (Ingången är på Plattan)

In brief Roof & Facade

Roof & Facade provides a quick, broad and deep update of product news in the area of roof and facade, its function and design. It is a pure trade fair and the target group is architects, designers, buyers and project managers at the larger construction companies as well as clients in property management for the private, industrial, commercial, state, municipal and public utility sectors.

Contact person

Rasmus Eriksson | 073-3145544


Elvefors Marketing AB

Världens mest hållbara matris

View presentation

Moelven Wood AB

Brandskyddade träfasader för flervåningshus

View presentation

Paul Bauder Sverige AB

Varför tror ni att våra system för tak ofta föreskrivs på simhallar och terrasser?

View presentation

Keim Scandinavia A/S

Silikatfärger som skapa harmoni mellan människa, arkitektur och miljö

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Våga ta ut svängarna

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Vi känner till aktiva tak

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STENI Sverige AB

Lanserar ny kärnfärg på våra fasadskivor

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Cirkulära tätskikt för ett mer hållbart byggande

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The trade fair is free invited professionals. Pre-registration includes lunch.